Yoga for pregnancy
Meditation and Yoga Practices have become a way of life for many people. Many women prefer not to stop training during pregnancy. There are also those who, after learning about their situation, want to start practicing yoga during pregnancy and master the basics of meditation .

Which practices are best suited for this?
What should you pay attention doing yoga in preparation for childbirth?
The answers to these questions are in the blog of ONE YOGA NYC Studio instructors.
We invite you to Yoga Studio in Downtown Manhattan - where there is an opportunity to engage in these practices for both beginners and experienced practitioners.
Our teachers will individually select a program for classes that will allow you to prepare for childbirth physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Is it possible to start doing yoga during pregnancy?
Like any kind of physical activity, yoga during pregnancy has its own characteristics.
Classes are not contraindicating, but they should be performed wisely and under the supervision of an experienced instructor. It is Important to choose a set of asanas that will not harm, you or your baby, and choose ones that will help you and your body cope with the childbearing and birthing process.
Through practice, a woman can get to know herself better. In this process of training, concentration develops .
When concentration and movement are combined the expectant mother observes her feelings, begins to be more aware of herself and trusts her body more, which can cultivate a big sense of peace and trust for the mother to be.
An experienced yoga teacher can individually select the set of exercises to suit a pregnant
There are several general recommendations that you should pay attention to and adhere to.
In the first trimester, you should avoid jumping, abdominal tension, and long-standing poses.
Standing postures can be modified to postures on the floor associated with the opening of the
pelvis (with support), the opening of the diaphragm, and inverted poses.
In the second trimester, the placenta is already formed, the fetus is stronger, so you can practice according to your strength and with a specific program. This can start to include more standing poses, shallow forward bends often with knees apart, some back and leg extensions, back bends with support, light twisting, and some modified inverted poses.

In the third trimester, many poses are more difficult to perform since the fetus is already large.
Therefore, during classes, it is worth paying attention to asanas that improve blood circulation in the legs, which helps with swelling and keeping the fetus held up.
Performing complex balances, abdominal or power poses, deep twists, etc. is Contraindicated and should be avoided.

You should not start practicing hot yoga during pregnancy, but if you are an experienced practitioner, then starting from the second trimester is advised and asking a teacher to show you the pregnancy series is necessary.
Benefits of Yoga during pregnancy
Experts highlight several benefits of yoga during pregnancy. Regular classes can provide:
  • Strengthening the connection and muscle in the pelvic region.
  • Accelerating postpartum recovery,
  • Improving blood circulation,
  • Can reduce anxiety,
  • Prepare the body for childbirth,
  • Reduce pain in the lower back,
Yoga’s can reduce the risk of falls in everyday life due to the body awareness and development of strength and flexibility.
The benefits of meditation

It can help with anxiety and overwhelm. Meditation can bring the mother to be into a calmer state while she ventures into a big unknown process that is pregnancy.
It can teach her how to deeply relax, which can stabilize breathing and brain patterns which have a very positive effect on the unborn and developing child. This deep relaxation can also help the mother during the childbirth itself and give her a higher chance to feel confident and transcend pain through pregnancy and childbirth.
Mastered breathing helps a woman activate the processes of blood circulation. This helps the baby to get the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients too.
Another additional bonus of meditation is close communication with the child.
Yoga poses to prepare for childbirth.

Childbirth is a process that requires a lot of strength and endurance from a woman.
Yoga classes can prepare you for this. It is worth mastering several asanas.

Warrior 2 pose, is an asana that strengthens the legs and supports blood circulation in the pelvic area. Stronger legs give better stability at a time when the balance of the body shifts due to a large belly. It also helps prepare for physical exertion during childbirth.
Chair pose– helps to strengthen the hips and legs.
The lunge in crescent pose provides mobility of the hip joints, which in turn help to support the body. The triangle asana, in addition to strengthening the legs, also provides strengthening of the muscles of the back and spine, helping to prevent back pain caused by the extra weight gained in pregnancy.
To master the asanas helps in the development of a sense of balance, which helps not just the body, but the psyche too.
Poses that prepare for baby care.

When the baby is born, the attention for the woman is directed to feeding, changing clothes, lulling child asleep, etc. Childcare is a very consuming activity. It can be physically and psychologically exhausting. Therefore, it is worth preparing for this in advance, and yoga is an excellent preparation for this, and something continuing alongside your childcare period where possible.
Strengthening the arms, shoulders and muscles of the core helps to prepare for the earlier days of baby care. Eagle with wings, is an asana that opens the shoulder blades and strengthens the arms and shoulders. This is especially useful when you must carry a newborn all day.
The Dolphin pose also strengthens and stretches the shoulders, arms, upper- back and legs.
Considering that sitting and feeding the baby every two to three hours leads to a serious load on these muscles, so keeping them strong can be very useful.
In addition, this asana helps to relieve headaches and fatigue.
The modified plank if performed correctly, is can support the pelvic floor muscles and the lower back, helping to speed up the post-partum recovery period.
Modified downward dog reduces the load on the lower back associated with both pregnancies, carrying and feeding a baby. It can relieve headaches and reduces stress.
Are there any contraindications for practicing yoga during pregnancy?

It’s always important to consult your doctor or a few doctors to get a medical opinion first.
But generally, if you have been practicing yoga most of your life, then continuing it can be quite beneficial. The precautions taken early in pregnancy with heat are there to avoid miscarriage and you must always listen to your body and consult experts so that you can be the safest that you need to be.

If you are just starting with yoga, you should choose teachers who have already worked with pregnant women or have done it themselves, and are ready to offer a set of exercises that will suit you. There are several yoga classes in the One Yoga NYC Studio where both experienced practitioners and beginners can study. Our teachers will help beginners to learn the correct body position in different asanas, which will make further training as effective as possible for expectant mothers.
If you are still in doubt about which direction of yoga to choose, consult with one of our specialists and attend the first lesson. From there we can help you make the right choices that are right for your body during this wonderful time in your life.
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