Stretching the body and your life through Yoga.
Many people can perceive yoga as something you can only do if you are flexible and fit, but this is not the case. It is the path to becoming flexible and strong and it is very accessible.
Yoga is a form of physical exercise that honors the body and its system for us to restore our natural range of motion, our natural breathing patterns, all of which can return us to a better moving body, which is in fact more flexible and stronger.
Yoga beyond the physical is also a way of life, for those wishing to delve deeper into what yoga can offer. It is also a guidance system which can stretch our way of living, into a more open minded and open-hearted life.
You do not need to do anything before yoga to be ready to start a yoga practice. In fact, you just need to turn up and apply it to start making the changes. The reason why yoga is now gaining traction in the West is because the results have been seen and experienced long enough and often enough that its efficacy has been proven. Yoga is for anyone and everyone.
There are very few contraindications and most injuries, and situations can be modified to help people find a practice that is suitable to them and their situation so that they can continue improving their life is all aspects. Mind, body, emotions, soul, relationships, sleep, etc.
One Yoga in the financial district in New York City, Where the experienced teachers and yoga styles can support and guide you into a practice that after a few sessions, will have you feeling your physical abilities changing.
We see this often. People come in and within a few lessons of good guidance and the body settling into the conditions, people start to improve and feel results fairly quickly.
Our Yoga Studio in Downtown – is a team of experienced instructors who will help determine the direction based on your wishes, learn the correct body position in different asanas, which will make further training as effective as possible.
Why develop flexibility?

To begin with, lets deal with the concept. Flexibility is the ability of muscles and tissues to stretch. It is defined as the range of motion of muscle and connective tissue at a joint or a group of joints. The degree of mobility in the joints is determined by their shape and functions. Flexibility is defined as the ability to perform the maximum possible.
mobility in the joints. Furthermore then there’s a flexibility of the fascia which binds the entire body, and its ability to move and be malleable plays a role in the overall flexibility of the body

Flexibility is very important for maintaining health. It is not only about the correct and beautiful posture that looks spectacular, and this is not the goal of yoga, it is a component of it, and something that can be achieved, but it’s how you are moving to achieve the posture is where the health benefits come in.
Here are some other reasons why flexibility matters and what it can do for you.

  • It can help to slow down the aging process, improve muscle tone, saturate tissue, muscle blood with oxygen and nutrients.
  • It can promote the release of harmful substances from muscle tissue, reduces the risk of injury, improves metabolic processes.
  • Give grace to movements.
  • Lengthening muscles helps to reduce the risk of diseases such as osteochondrosis, which leads to headaches, hypersensitivity to pain during exercise.
  • It can lessen pain caused through passive tension.
  • Help with Arthritis.
  • More research is now leading us to see the health benefits of flexibility.
What is stretching and how does it work?

Stretching is a set of exercises designed to develop flexibility in the body. Thanks to regular exercises, ligaments and joints become more elastic, allowing a person to perform movements with full amplitude. The better the flexibility, the easier the body can cope with loads during exercises.
Stretching helps to reduce the level of lactic acid, which has an accumulative effect on the muscles. Considering that tendons lose elasticity with age, the possibility of higher loads for them becomes less.
By doing stretching exercises regularly, you can slow down degenerative directions of the body, by keeping them healthily active, nourished and staying young and buoyant.
stretching is an effective method to relax muscles and relieve stress which is important when we consider things like passive tension which can pull the body into misalignments.
Yoga helps you to keep the joints in good shape, improves blood circulation and keeps the body breathing well and feeling well. It really is a great maintenance and enhancing exercise for the whole body and all its needs to function well for you.
Relaxed muscles help the body to sleep and in our sleep we heal. The follow on effect of regular yoga is limitless.
As already noted, many sports are focused on stretching. But the advantage of yoga is that it can be practiced, regardless of age, physique, gender, at any time of the day, without expensive special equipment. The main thing is to choose the right exercises and to learn to do it correctly to get its maximum benefit.
The main difference between yoga and stretching in different sports is that yoga
involves not just physical activity, but also work with breathing and meditation.
It should also be noted that the main task of yoga is not to cure existing diseases, but to prevent them or better manage them.
For example, a yoga practice for the back and spine will benefit many people.
Healthy spine, healthy life can be considered both prevention and therapy.
Regular classes relieve back pain, especially if the cause of it was muscle atrophy due to a sedentary lifestyle. Training also allows you to improve posture, develop flexibility, strengthen the muscle frame, relieve fatigue and…

relax muscles,
speed up metabolism,
relieve nervous tension,
prevent various diseases.
Some examples of postures and their benefits.
Marjariasana (stretching cat pose) is an opportunity to work out the entire vertebral column, make it more flexible and mobile, eliminate blocks and clamps in the lower back, interscapular area and neck area. This asana has a positive effect on the performance of the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity.
It makes the knee joints and tendons more mobile.
In this pose, the muscles of the legs are involved, and it is the back surface of the thighs that are stretched. Asana opens the pelvis and chest, stimulates blood circulation.
- It is not recommended to perform it for back pain, hernias and
diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Goasana (table pose) is an asana that can restore and rejuvenate the deeper muscles of the back and abdomen. It can eliminate spinal deformity and has an overall effect that can make someone feel restored and balanced.
Adho Mukha Shvanasana ("dog face down") is a great way to stretch the whole body, strengthen the legs. Performing this asana regularly, can relieve tension from the neck and shoulder muscles. It is used in the prevention of diseases of the joints and gastrointestinal tract because it strengthens and nourishes these areas. It is good for high blood pressure and thrombosis. It trains the respiratory system, enriches tissues with oxygen, helps to increase lung volume.
Mariciasana (deep twisting pose) – relieves acute pain in the back, lower back and hips, helps with sprains of the shoulder ligaments and dislocations of the shoulder joints, liberates the shoulder girdle.
Balasana- child pose is an opportunity for those who sit during the day for a long time to lengthen the lower back.
Susirandrasana (Eye Needle) – great for stretching thighs, groin and buttocks. This asana is ideal for people with knee or hip injuries, as it is less stressful than other poses that open the hips.

By practicing yoga regularly and step by step, you can achieve the desired results in terms of flexibility.
It is necessary to remember a few important points. It will take some time to understand the practice to do it correctly and to retrain your body into more healthy state of being. Habits may need to be changed, and patience is a component of this lasting change. Yoga will teach you this too.
Another important point is that the muscles gradually get used to and adapt to
stretching. And the discomfort that can be felt at the initial stage is replaced by pleasure from the process. You just must stay long enough to experience the joy that yoga can derive.
We invite you to come and try classes at ONE YOGA NYC Studio in
Downtown. Our trainers will help you choose the direction.
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